Friday, May 18, 2012

Extreme Sport: Being Black

Before getting to the Chad Holley situation, let me just remind you, re Trayvon Martin, that white Americans routinely have visual perception problems when it comes to encounters between a white person and a person of color.

Now to Chad Holley's beating, verdict for the first of four cops charged with oppression (Yeah, that made no sense to me either.) was announced yesterday: not guilty. Make no mistake about it folks, prosecutors don't want everybody serving on the juryYou have got to honor your jury summons and serve on the jury. It's not just your legal "duty," it's your moral obligation.

And to my previous question, the answer appears to be no.

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This isn't too complicated. If you disagree with me, I'm more than happy to have an honest discussion. I'm quite open to learning new facts and ideas. I'm dying for a conservative to explain their ideas in a sensible way.

But, I do have rules, and they also apply to those who agree with me. They just get the benefit of my already knowing the fact they'll be referring to.

So, here're the comment thread rules:

1 - Use facts.
2 - Refer to policy.
3 - Don't rely on theories and conjectures. Show me how, for example, a public health insurance option will lead to "rationing" of health care.
4 - No unfounded attacks on any entity.

If you break those rules, I will edit your comment to my own whimsical satisfaction.

Lastly, perhaps most importantly, I'm not going to entertain too much pro-white/racism-denying discussion. I want this to be a space to discuss strategies to fight racism, not space where I have to fight racism. I want anti-racists to be able to come here for a mental respite. If what you're interested in doing is attempting to demonstrate the fallacy of anti-racism by repeating the same ole comments and questions and accusations we hear all the time, please do that somewhere else.

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